To register groups of 10 attendees or more, please contact the HTAi Secretariat at

Workshops WS17 and WS18 have been withdrawn from the program  

                    Workshop registration can be accessed here   

Register Now!

To attend the Annual Meeting, HTAi offers member and non-member rates.


HTAi Individual Membership:
Detailed information on individual membership can be found HERE. To purchase or renew your membership, visit this page.

HTAi Organizational Membership:
To benefit from your organizational membership, please make sure your individual members are up to date. Detailed information on Organizational Membership can be found HERE.
To purchase or renew an organizational membership, follow this link.

2022 Registration Fees 

Please note that displayed amounts are rounded to the nearest dollar.  Actual costs may differ.


* Upper Middle Income Country based on World Bank Economies
** Lower Middle Income & Low Income Country based on World Bank Economies

Please note the following important details
Please read the Terms & Conditions for the Annual Meeting Registration. 

HTAi Membership is not included with Annual Meeting Non-Member registration and needs to be purchased prior to receiving Member registration pricing. Please see our Membership page for details and benefits.  Please contact with any questions prior to registration.

All prices are displayed in US dollars.

All prices listed include, if required, the legal VAT/GST in effect at the indicated date of payment in the attendee's country of residence. An invoice statement, indicating VAT/GST details, is available upon request.

Payment is only possible with a credit card: Visa, MasterCard and AMEX.
In addition to the registration fee, HTAi charges a 3.3% credit card processing fee

Early Bird Registration: until March 24, 2022, Midnight MT
Regular Registration: until June 17, 2022, Midnight MT

Eligibility for the Patient/Consumer registration category is restricted to individuals who encounter HTA through their roles as patients, care-givers, or consumers, and who do not encounter HTA through paid employment. Registrants in this category are asked to submit a brief statement describing their involvement with HTA.

To qualify as a Student, you must submit a letter from your institution, on official letterhead, as proof of full-time enrollment as an undergraduate or postgraduate student;

HTAi is a small not-for-profit organization, our Annual Meetings operate on a cost recovery basis, where full registration fees reflect the per person cost to run an international meeting of this size. Rates for students, attendees from low and middle-income countries and patients are subsidized. All fees are comparable with other societies.