The Andalusian Agency for Health Technology Assessment AETSA
(Progress and Health Foundation — FPS)
Progress and Health Foundation (FPS) is the central entity for supporting and managing research in the Public Health System of Andalusia. It is, therefore, responsible for effectively promoting research and innovation in Health in the south of Spain.
The articulation of biomedical research in the Andalusian Public Health System gives the Progress and Health Foundation an important role, support, and sharing of services to research entities and groups throughout the entire scientific process: from the development of the necessary resources (infrastructure, financing, development and mobility of talent...) to the implementation and effective performance of scientific production, to the transfer of research results to the industry and, after that, to society. Likewise, the Progress and Health Foundation assumes the direct management of strategic projects of the Health Department of the Regional Government of Andalusia in this field.
To support decision-making related to the use of health technologies that must be carried out by health professionals, managers, health authorities, political leaders and patients. To do this, through a rigorous process of scientific research and analysis, AETSA produces structured information to facilitate the choice of the best possible alternatives among the existing ones.
To be a reference in HTA to improve the health outcomes of the population and the quality and equity of the Andalusian Public Health System, while guaranteeing its sustainability.
Scientific Rigor, Health Quality, Independence and Transparency
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