Frequently Asked Questions

Attending the Annual Meeting 

Delegate App
How to use the app:
1. Install the app from one of the provided URL’s.
2. Open the app and input the event code HTAi-AM2024 (please note that the code is case sensitive)
3. Log in using your registration log in and password. Delegates can also access the app through a web browser (Chrome is preferable) via Once accessed, delegates will have immediate access to basic features like alerts and the agenda. Delegates can log in with their account info to access additional features.
iOS App:
Android App:

Is the program identical for in-person attendees and virtual attendees? 
The virtual program and in-person program are identical in many ways, but there are a few differences. All attendees can attend the Ceremonies, Keynote, Plenaries, Symposia, as well as on-site Panel, Oral, and Poster sessions live, either in-person or streamed through the virtual meeting platform. All attendees can also view pre-recorded Panel, Oral, and Poster sessions on-demand via the virtual meeting platform. However, Workshops, the Reception Dinner, and Welcome Ceremony are only available for in-person attendees.  

Will there be opportunities for networking and collaboration at the meeting? 
The HTAi 2024 Annual Meeting will provide various networking opportunities throughout the conference, including the Early Career Meet and Greet for emerging professionals, the Welcome Reception on Sunday evening, a dedicated networking break on Tuesday morning, the Conference Dinner on Tuesday evening, and more! Registration for the Welcome Reception and Conference Dinner are available in the event registration portal. 

Are there opportunities for students and newcomers to HTA to participate in the meeting? 
We welcome students and newcomers to actively participate in the meeting. We will have dedicated networking events designed to engage and support attendees who are new to HTA, including the Early Career Meet and Greet which takes place on Sunday evening just prior to the Welcome Reception. All emerging HTA professionals are invited to register for this free event. To join, please send an email to our Annual Meeting team at 

Can virtual attendees interact with presenters in the live in sessions? 
Virtual attendees will have full access to the virtual meeting platform and meeting app, allowing them to participate in sessions, engage with speakers and fellow attendees, and access meeting materials from anywhere in the world. 

Can attendees interact with presenters in pre-recorded sessions? 
Attendees can leave questions, comments, and conversation topics in the pre-recorded session’s chat feature on the virtual meeting platform. Presenters will check the chat feature consistently throughout the conference to engage with attendees. Attendees are encouraged to check back on sessions throughout the conference to continue the conversation! 

Are there any special accommodations available for attendees with accessibility needs? 
Accommodations will be made to ensure that all attendees, including those with accessibility needs, can fully participate in the event. If you require specific accommodations, please contact the HTAi Secretariat in advance at, and we will do our best to accommodate your needs. 

Will there be social events or activities organized for attendees or any travel companions to explore Seville outside of the meeting sessions? 
While HTAi-organized events will be limited to the Annual Meeting sessions and adjacent networking opportunities, our meeting venue has provided suggested activities for travel companions to explore the beauty and culture of Seville. Details will be available at the venue’s information desk.  

Can virtual presenters attend in-person? 
Virtual presenters are welcomed and encouraged to attend the Annual Meeting in-person with an in-person registration. Virtual registration does not allow on-site entry.  

Do I have to be an HTAi member to register for the 2024 Annual Meeting? 
Anyone who works or studies in a field related to HTA, is impacted by HTA, or is interested in HTA is invited and encouraged to attend the Annual Meeting regardless of HTAi membership status. However, members receive a discounted registration fee for the event. 

How long will presentations be available on the meeting platform after the Annual Meeting ends? 
Presentations will remain available to all attendees for several weeks after the Annual Meeting .  

I am travelling internationally to attend the HTAi 2024 Annual Meeting. Can you help me obtain the correct visa for entry to Spain? 
HTAi cannot support visa applications for attendees. However, we have provided the most common visa and travel authorizations on the 2024 Annual Meeting websiteAdditionally, we encourage all in-person attendees to stay informed about public health-related travel regulations by checking the Ministry of Health, Spain website regularly for updates.  

Virtual and On-site Presentations 

Is it possible to make edits to an abstract after submission? 
Once an abstract is submitted, no modifications can be made to its content. However, changes to the presenting author can be requested by sending an email to

How do I prepare for a Virtual Oral Presentation? 
To prepare, you'll need to record your presentation, here are some brief notes on recording an Oral presentation. More detailed tutorials and instructions can be found online (e.g. YouTube, etc.).  Once the 12-minute video is recorded, the video file should be uploaded to a video sharing platform, such as YouTube or Vimeo. For how to do that? Please follow these instructions. The portal for submitting the URL of your recorded Oral Presentation is currently open and will remain so until June 6, 2024. To submit your presentation, log in to the AM24 Oral/Poster Abstract Submission portal and select “edit abstract”.  When saving your presentation, please include the presentation type, presenter’s name and abstract number in the file name (e.g., Oral_JohnDoe_123.ppt). Additionally, a PowerPoint template for the year 2024 is available for download. Please ensure that the Primary presenter has a Virtual or In-person registration by the early bird deadline on March 28, 2024. 

How do I prepare for a Virtual Poster? 
You are required to design and upload your Poster to the virtual meeting platform in A1 size (59.5cm x 84.1cm) in portrait orientation. The Poster must be saved as a PDF or JPEG and cannot exceed 15MB. The portal for uploading your Poster is currently open and will remain so until June 6, 2024. To submit your presentation, log in to the AM24 Oral/Poster Abstract Submission portal and select “edit abstract”. When saving your presentation, please include the presenter’s name and abstract number in the file name (e.g., JohnDoe_123.ppt). Additionally, a PowerPoint template for the year 2024 is available for download. Please ensure that the Primary presenter has a Virtual or In-person registration by the early bird deadline on March 28, 2024. 

Can I attend the HTAi Annual Meeting in person if I have a Virtual Oral or Poster presentation? 
Absolutely! Having a Virtual Oral or Poster presentation does not restrict you from attending the HTAi Annual Meeting in person. Virtual Oral presentations will be pre-recorded, and there is no live presentation requirement for Virtual Posters; you are simply required to upload your presentation or Poster to the virtual platform by the specified deadline. Please remember, to participate in-person at the Annual Meeting, you must register as an in-person attendee.  

Do I need to give a live presentation for my virtual Poster? 
No, a live presentation is not required for a virtual Poster. Your responsibility is to upload your digital Poster to the online platform. Delegates will have the opportunity to view your Poster through the conference app and can engage by typing their questions into the discussion section. 

For a virtual Oral presentation, do I need to present live? 
No, live presentations are not required for virtual Oral presentations. Instead, you will pre-record your presentation and upload it to the online platform. Participants can interact by posting their questions or comments in the designated discussion section of the conference app.  

I submitted my abstract for an Oral presentation, but it was accepted as a Poster presentation. Why did this happen?
During the review process, the International Scientific Program Committee (ISPC) evaluates each abstract not only for its quality but also for its suitability within the overall scientific program. Based on the consensus of the reviewers, the originally submitted presentation type may be adjusted to better align with the conference's programmatic needs.  

Can I switch my presentation format from Oral to Poster? 
If you're considering changing your presentation format from Oral to Poster, please reach out to with your request. Decisions on such changes are made on a case-by-case basis. While it's not guaranteed that every request can be accommodated, we're open to discussing your needs and finding the best possible solution within the constraints of the conference program. 

Can I give my in-person Oral presentation virtually in Seville? 
No, Oral presentations that have been selected for an in-person format at the HTAi meeting in Seville cannot be delivered virtually. 

If my Poster was selected for a virtual presentation, is it possible to switch to in-person participation at the conference? 
To inquire about switching from virtual to in-person participation after your Poster has been selected for a virtual presentation, please reach out to Such requests are evaluated on a case-by-case basis, considering the capacity and programming requirements of the conference. If your request is approved, you will need to complete an in-person registration.  

Are the workshops at the conference available for online viewing through streaming? 
Unfortunately, the workshops will not be available for online streaming. 

What does "Panel-Pre-record" refer to in the context of the conference? 
"Panel-Pre-record" is an initiative that allows panelists to pre-record their Panel presentation for the Annual Meeting. We ask the Panel Organizer to coordinate with fellow panelists to select three dates and times in May 2024 for us to facilitate the recording of the presentation. This recording session must be finalized before June 6, 2024, to ensure your Panel can be included in the 2024 Annual Meeting program. The Annual Meeting team will arrange and host the recording session once a date is agreed upon. Your pre-recorded Panel presentation will then be accessible for on-demand viewing on the virtual meeting platform. Additionally, it will have specific broadcast dates and times to accommodate virtual attendees across different time zones, enhancing accessibility and engagement. 

Do Virtual Oral and Poster presenters need to register for the conference? 
Yes, presenters of both Virtual Oral and Poster presentations are required to register for the conference. Please ensure you complete your registration by the early bird deadline of March 28, 2024.  

Where can I find the Annual Meeting program schedule? 
Please visit the url:  

Can you provide details on the Saturday and Sunday workshops, including content and facilitators?  
Please visit the url: 

If I am presenting at the Annual Meeting, am I required to use the branded PowerPoint slide set? 
While it is not mandatory to use the 2024 PowerPoint template for your presentation, it is available for download should you choose to use it. 

Will my Poster be presented in the same room as Oral sessions or in a designated Poster area? 
In-person Poster presenters at the 2024 Annual Meeting will have the opportunity to present in a session that combines both Oral and Poster presentations on related topics. Poster presenters should prepare one slide for a brief 2-minute presentation, followed by a 2-minute Q&A session. The presentation slide can be uploaded to the abstract management portal by the June 6, 2004. Please include the presentation type, presenter’s name, and abstract number in the file name (e.g., Posterslide_JohnDoe_123.pdf). After this deadline, changes or uploads can be made on-site in Seville in the Speaker Ready Room. The 2024 PowerPoint template for this slide is available for download. Additionally, physical Posters will be displayed in a designated area. Posters must be designed for non-digital display boards in A1 size (59.5cm x 84.1cm) in portrait orientation and displayed from 11:00am on June 17 to 12:00pm on June 19. Resources for mounting your Poster will be provided on-site. You are also invited to upload a digital version of your Poster (PDF or JPEG, max 15MB) to the virtual platform for online viewing, by June 6, 2024. Please include the presentation type, presenter’s name, and abstract number in the file name (e.g., Poster_JohnDoe_123.pdf).  


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