Pre-recorded Panels will be viewable on the *virtual meeting platform for on-demand viewing. They will also be broadcast on a rotating schedule to appeal to attendees in differing time zones.

Pre-recorded Panels will be broadcast at 12.00AM, 4.00AM and 8PM (Central European Summer Time) on each day of the Annual Meeting.

*The Virtual Annual Meeting Platform (OnAIR) is an online hub where virtual attendees (and also in person attendees) can connect and participate with the Annual Meeting content. It provides access to the agenda, all live streamed sessions (Monday, June 17 - Wednesday, June 19), on demand content (such as pre-recorded Panels and Oral presentations) and an online Poster Gallery.

PNR01 - Economic Modelling For Rare Diseases: What Are The Challenges And How Can The HTA Community Overcome Them? 

Broadcast Date & Time: Monday, June 17 - 12.00AM | Tuesday, June 18 - 4.00AM | Wednesday, June 19 | 8.00PM 
Panelists: Dr. Farzana Malik, Dr. Saskia Knies, Dr. Jameel Nazir, Prof. Andrew Briggs 
Summary: Economic modelling for rare diseases is inherently challenging from a methodological perspective and may lead to delays in patient access.  There is an urgent need to discuss these challenges and find potential common solutions from the perspectives of all stakeholders. HTA experts, both from developed and less advanced systems, will benefit from this state-of-the-art overview of RDT challenges.


PNR02 - Health Technology Assessment Networks Collaboration For The Sustainability Of Health Systems In Latin America 

Broadcast Date & Time: Monday, June 17 - 12.00AM | Tuesday, June 18 - 4.00AM | Wednesday, June 19 | 8.00PM
Panelists: Dr. Santiago Hasdeu, Alexandre Lemgruber, Luciene Bonan, Dr. David Jumpa, Prof. Andres Pichon-Riviere 
Summary: Health Technology Assessment (HTA) networks as a strategy to promote and strengthen HTA are key, and national and regional HTA networks have contributed to the sustainability of health systems in the Latin American region. Experiences of each network will be discussed, through increasing HTA capacity, developing common tools, supporting joint capacity building and strengthening HTA institutionalization in Latin America.   


PNR04 - The US Centers For Medicare And Medicaid Services: Does America Now Have A Public HTA Agency? 

Broadcast Date & Time: Monday, June 17 - 12.00AM | Tuesday, June 18 - 4.00AM | Wednesday, June 19 | 8.00PM
Panelists: Dr. Daniel Ollendorf, Dr. Clifford Goodman, Ms. Valentina Strammiello, Ms. Marina Richardson
Summary: The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is the largest public payer in the United States, and is now negotiating drug prices for the first time in its history. This session will explore how CMS can integrate best practices in both health technology assessment methods and processes for patient and other stakeholder involvement.


PNR05 - Value Assessment Of Digital Technologies In Surgery: Results From An International Consensus Conference Study 

Broadcast Date & Time: Monday, June 17 - 12.00AM | Tuesday, June 18 - 4.00AM | Wednesday, June 19 | 8.00PM
Panelists: Mr. Jamie Erskine, Mr. Matthew Lien, Dr. Anastasia Chalkidou, Mr, Richard Charter 
Summary: Assessing the value of Digital Health Technologies (DHTs) is a complex endeavour, in part due to the heterogeneity of the types of technologies that fall under the category of “digital”. Digital technologies in surgery represent a subcategory of DHTs that represent specific challenges for HTAs. This panel will discuss how HTAs may approach the assessment of such technologies. 


PNR06 - Evidence Without Borders: Can We improve HTA Decisions By Better Sharing Data Across Countries? 

Broadcast Date & Time: Monday, June 17 - 4.00AM | Tuesday, June 18 - 8.00PM | Wednesday, June 19 | 12.00AM
Panelists: Dr. Seamus Kent, Dr. Blythe Adamson,  Prof. Wim Goettsch, Dr. Joshua Ray 
Summary: Local data is preferred by HTA bodies but it is not always sufficient or available. Using international data could improve decisions but there is uncertainty about its relevance. Empirical evidence could support this assessment.The panelists from HTA, industry, and academia will debate the value of international data using a real case study transporting cancer outcomes from US to Europe.  


PNR07 - Innovation For Alzheimer’s Disease: How To Prepare For New Disease-Modifying Treatments Value Assessments? 

Broadcast Date & Time: Monday, June 17 - 4.00AM | Tuesday, June 18 - 8.00PM | Wednesday, June 19 | 12.00AM 
Panelists: Mrs Martina Garau, Dr. Jacoline Bouvy, Dr Angela Bradshaw, Mr Meindert Boysen
Summary: The introduction of Disease-Modifying Drugs (DMDs) to treat Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) poses challenges across the care pathway, from diagnosis to treatment access. In Health Technology Assessment (HTA), several dimensions emerge as focal points for consideration. The session will serve as a platform for uniting diverse viewpoints, from an HTA agency, patient and industry perspective, and for advancing the debate. 


PNR09 - Using The Results Of Consensus Exercises In Health Technology Assessments: A Panel Discussion  

Broadcast Date & Time: Monday, June 17 - 4.00AM | Tuesday, June 18 - 8.00PM | Wednesday, June 19 | 12.00AM
Panelists: Mr. Emanuele Arca, Dr. Rachel Kettle, Ms. Valentina Strammiello, Miss Alexa Molinari, Mr. Niall Harrison 
Summary: Consensus methods (e.g., Delphi panels) are used to formulate and prioritize recommendations and resolve controversies by synthesizing the expertise and experience of healthcare professionals, decision-makers and/or patients. These methods hold great potential for Health Tecnology Assessments (HTAs), but interpreting the results requires accurate reporting. This panel aims to discuss the role of consensus research in HTA. 


PNR11 - How Can Meaningful Patient Engagement In Health Technology Assessment Help Shape More Sustainable And Fair Healthcare Systems? 

Broadcast Date & Time: Monday, June 17 - 8.00PM | Tuesday, June 18 - 12.00AM | Wednesday, June 19 | 4.00AM
Panelists: Mr. Julien Delaye, Prof. Dr. Uwe Siebert, Dr. Roisin Adams, Dominique Sturz 
Summary: A Panel discussion on the importance of training of patient advocates in Health Technology Assessment (HTA) under the framework for joint work, the European Regulation on Health Technology Assessment (EU) 2021/2282 (HTAR), and on two European projects aiming at building the skills and knowledge of patient advocates who will participate in HTA.


PNR12 - How Can The EU HTA Regulation Support Vaccine Innovation And Provide Framework For Assessing Full Value Of Vaccines? 

Broadcast Date & Time: Monday, June 17 - 8.00PM | Tuesday, June 18 - 12.00AM | Wednesday, June 19 | 4.00AM
Panelists: Ms. Anne Vicere', Hanna Nohynek, Dr. Patricia Harrington, Prof. Chiara de Waure, Joan Puig-Barbera' 
Summary: Vaccine innovation is evolving at a great speed, with many promising vaccines entering the market and more being developed. The representatives of HTA bodies, National Immunization Advisory Boards (NITAGs) and the industry will debate on the future role of HTA in vaccine assessment with a special focus on the implementation of EU HTA Regulation, entering into force in 2025.


PNR13 - Multidisciplinary Perspectives in Health Technology Assessment for Precision Personalized Medicine 

Broadcast Date & Time: Monday, June 17 - 8.00PM | Tuesday, June 18 - 12.00AM | Wednesday, June 19 | 4.00AM
Panelists: Prof. Donald Husereau, Prof. Cynthia Iglesias Urrutia, Caroline van der Meijden, Carlos Hagen, Federeico Augustovski, Patricia J. Garcia Sanz, Lorena Aguilera Cobos
Summary: Precision Personalized Medicine (PPM) is revolutionizing healthcare, tailoring prevention, diagnosis, and treatment based on unique patient profiles using diverse data sources. This panel addresses challenges in PPM adoption, including Health Technology Assessment requirements and consensus building between healthcare stakeholders. This discussion forum will allow you to gain valuable perspectives on methodological, regulatory, and economic aspects and foster collaboration actions. 


PNR14 - Public Health Priorities And The Role of HTA In Pursuit Of Sustainable Health Care

Broadcast Date & Time: Monday, June 17 - 8.00PM | Tuesday, June 18 - 12.00AM | Wednesday, June 19 | 4.00AM

Panelists: Prof. Chiara de Waure, Dr. Lucinda Gabriel, Assoc. Prof Enkeleint A Mechili, Dr. Ann Bourcet, Dr. Iñaki Gutierrez-Ibarluzea
Summary: Public Health plays a relevant role for the sustainability of health and care systems and for sustainable development as a whole. The assessment of the value of Public Health interventions through HTA is worthwhile but challenged by their complexity and breadth. This Panel session will discuss current status and future developments in this field. 



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